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About Erez Moshe

Erez began his career in 1990 when he was only 12 years old. Since then he has been performing in Israel and around the globe with high praise.

The road to his great success started in his service as an army magician as part of an entertainment unit, with three years of performing in outposts and the most unconventional places. In his discharge certificate it was written that: "As a magician, Erez showed great professionalism and was warmly reviewed by the soldiers to which he performed" (Major Michal Erlich, 1998). 

Erez Moshe's big breakthrough came right as he was honorably discharged from the IDF. Erez was given a regular segment in Amnon Levi's channel two prime time television show "Opening the week". 

Erez drove the country mad with his unique illusions, as he vanished motorcycle on live television, performed a mid-air daring escape, made guests in the show disappear in thin air and surprised the audience in the studio and home. 

The "Globes" newspaper (June 1999): "Amnon Levi is again at the top of the charts… Erez Moshe broke all rating records in the greatest illusion ever performed on live television", at the eve of the 1999 elections. 

The channel 2 success brought on a long line of television guest appearances and major newspaper pieces such as: "Pulling bunnies out of the beret" (Yediot Aharonot, August 1997), "Dreaming of becoming David Copperfield" – Cover piece (Ahir, March 1999), "That's all the magic" (Tzomet Hasharon, June 2004) and many more…

Just a partial list of Erez's guest show appearances: "Opening the week", Chnnael 2, "Abraham and Jacob" with Avry Gilad and Kobi Meidan, Channl 2, "Jubilee Expo", Channel 1, "Fregrance of Mint", Channel 1, Various special productions in the Children's Channel, "The Morning Show", Channel 2, with Menny Pe'er and Efrat Ryten, "Laughter Academy", Channel 2, "The experts' gallery" with Rivka Michaely, channel 2, "Channel 10 News", the Magic in the Air article and many more…

In 2001 Erez began performing abroad in professional magic conventions and exhibits, where he met and performed with some of the world's most famous magicians: David Copperfield, Lance Burton, David Blaine, Chris Angel etc. 

European shows:

London-"The Congress Centre"(De-2001) ,
Turkey-Istanbul"People Club" at the silvester night (Ja-2004) , 
Holland-Den Hug(Ju-2003) 

US shows: 
Las Vegas-"World Magic.."-(Ja-2003),Fresno-CA (ju-2003) 
Toronto-Canada,"Magical nights"(Au-2004) ,New York-"On Stage"(Ju-2004) 
New Jersy-N.Y"The Trickery"(Sep-2004) ,Las Vegas-"Magic Live"

In addition, Erez began developing, inventing and manufacturing magic accessories which started selling worldwide. An original and modern line of products brought forth an innovative design previously unheard of in the world of magic. 

In the years 2003-2004, Erez was selected as reoccurring guest at the Channel 2 Keshet morning shows. At present Erez performs at major companies such as: Netvision, Microsoft, Elbit Ssytems, Bank Hapoalim, Comverse, National Semiconductor, Ziv-Haft-BDO, CIBC, Kashiu Intersystems, the Israeli police, the Seas Observatory, Holmes Place Israel, IDF vacation sites, Club Hotel network, Holiday Inn and much more…

During 2004-2005 Erez moved to Las Vegas to appear in non-stop shows including television, all the while continuing developing numerous magic accessories alongside massive marketing within the US. 

Erez currently keeps on developing and inventing new magic tricks which are marketed around the world. He is selling globally and his products are sold in shops all over the world and in many websites. 

Recently he began selling his products in the Israeli market, which shows a great interest in buying these products. 

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